Unsolicited Dating Advice
In this episode, we’re diving into the sometimes bewildering world of modern dating. Whether you're swiping left, right, or just trying to make sense of it all, I've got some thoughts and insights for you to ponder as you navigate the dating scene.
Love, Sex, Romance
all about love: new visionsbell hooks begins this piece by providing a definition of love as a verb, an action, a choice. Further, hooks advocates for the integration of a "Love Ethic" into American society.
Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good AgainA fascinating read criticizing contemporary consent culture, why it in some ways cuts against women, and why it holds women to an unrealistic standard.
The Road Less TraveledI continue my love and relationship studies with this book by a psychiatrist discussing the psychology of love, traditional values, and spiritual growth.
Manic Pixie Dream Girls
The first time I dipped my toes into the waters of dating content was when I discussed Manic Pixie Dream Girls within media, specifically film. This episode also covers mental health and other topics.